
Sports management for Boxing

We are always ringside

AMG works to provide the highest level of personal and professional support and services to represent the athlete and their ambitions, you handle your business in the ring, we handle your business out the ring, that simple. Our fully managed sports management service helps nurture and identify talent at all levels of the sport and there has never been a better time to begin managing your boxing career.

Our difference

We offer career development and funding opportunities via lasting and trusted business relationships.

With our uniquely positioned business strategies designed specifically for boxing both in and out of the ring. 

How do we support a boxers career?

Marketing Management for Boxers

We assist with a range of media and marketing requirements to support boxers and boxing organisations. Across the UK we assist and have experience in delivering services that include:
  • Media
  • Marketing and Press Assistance
  • Sponsorship Arrangements
  • PR handling
  • Brand Awareness and Growth
These services help grow support and protect athletes throughout their sporting career. AMG are experts in delivering this for our clients.

Event Management

AMG works to negotiate contractual opportunity’s in line with industry best practice. Helping you gain exposure and benefits that match your sporting status. 
We work with individuals and clubs, to upscale social media presence and include assistance in event management or hosting. From having local news coverage to national exposure with the biggest boxing news outlets such as behind the gloves. We can help an athlete or go to the next level. 

Protecting Boxers through Effective Sports Management

Our clients understand that we take Law at work seriously and are always applying athlete strategies within guidance and we champion the health and safety of all athletes within the industry. 
We ensure legalities across paperwork, contracts and finance are in the clients best interest. We maximise the opportunities for boxers whilst prolonging exposure and protecting athletes performance levels.
Round by round AMG will get your career off the ground.

Ready to Rumble?

Contact us today for an informal chat

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